Celebrate Earth Day 2022 with Earth Week Plus! Planning is underway for the Earth Week Plus Expo and Adventures! Please follow us on Facebook where we also share our events. Like us on Facebook by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/earthweekplus/
Free Family Friendly Earth Day Events Earth Week Plus Expo and Adventures Each year in April each year the Earth Week Plus non-profit organization (EWP) holds a free expo for all ages and a great line up of free adventures to help increase education and awareness about environmental i
Remember to Bring Re-Usable Bags When you Shop! Cheboygan County and the City of Cheboygan are urging everyone to switch from single-use plastic grocery bags to re-usable bags. At Earth Week Plus we have been supporting this idea for a long time! BRING IT CHEBOYGAN! Written by Karen
Free Workshops Celebrate our Earth at Earth Week Expo We have some eco-tastic environmentally- friendly green workshops planned for The Earth Week Plus Expo. Click here to see the workshop details and Expo schedule page.